Melina Baron-Deutsch

October 23, 2015

Podcasts for Peace: Digital Storytelling in Managua, Nicaragua

Storytelling--both orally and visually--is and has been a tool of memory and processing for humans since the beginning of our existence. Digital Storytelling (DST) is the process of creating a story using both visual and oral narratives to recount a personal history. DST workshops provided by non-profit Podcasts for Peace have given local residence of Managua, Nicaragua a platform to discover and analyze their own histories. Podcasts for Peace has worked with groups across a spectrum of identities, including: age, ability, sexual orientation, amongst others. During my time at Podcasts for Peace, I helped facilitate these workshops in Spanish and was able to see the personal growth of the participants throughout the process. Storytelling is powerful because it allows people to not only reflect and work through their past, but share their experiences in a way that gives them agency in shaping their future.