Jillian Duclos

October 23, 2015

Life, Power, and Politics: Uncovering the Influence of Education Policy

Each and every one of us, whether we agree or disagree, must abide by system of government that determines our ‘destiny.’ Access to the resources that lead to success are allocated through the drafting of policy, but who is it that establishes such a system and how? These decisions, whether they determine funding for school meals, the regulation of our educators, or the implementation of standardized testing, play an intricate role in shaping our everyday lives. It was through my experience working for Senator Elizabeth Warren, and my interest in education, that I was able to explore this world of policy. In attending education driven senate hearings, engaging in policy research, and drafting policy memorandums, I was able to uncover who was responsible for determining policy, how particular policies effect different individuals, and how to work to ensure fairness and equality within such a system. It is only through understanding the systems in place that we will truly have the power to ensure our government works for us, and I am ready to explore the ways in which I can exercise control over my own ‘destiny’—are you?