Deanna Bednarz

October 17, 2014

Law in Practice

The idea of “practicing law” often draws to mind an imagery of well-dressed lawyers presenting to a robed judge in a court of law. While this is indeed a major sector of the judicial system, this scenario would be null and void without the other many facets of the legal system working together. Through my experience as an intern at the Bucks County Courthouse Clerk of Courts Office this summer, I was able to witness firsthand the intricate pieces that fit together to provide our community with the safety we are ensured. Though at first I was a bit apprehensive to work in the Criminal Division, this extensive experience challenged me to face law’s gloomiest area. From shadowing FBI agents, to having a polygraph test, to visiting the County Jail, I had the opportunity to discover the many diverse and vital functions of the legal system. This enlightening experience transformed my naïve understanding of law from the idea of a “Law and Order” episode to a dynamic and intricate system which goes far beyond the courtroom.