Vivian Lee

October 23, 2015

The Healing Game: Bridging Youth Japanese and Brooklynites through Film

I interned with a NY producer to co-produce, direct and film the educational and inaugural film as part of a multicultural exchange to facilitate dialogue between Brooklyn and Japan youth who survived natural disasters. As a science major, I took the summer to explore a budding interest in film that grew into an immediate immersion into all aspects of film production. The film inaugurates the first Brooklyn-Japan Baseball Exchange Program in which more than 80 children and coaches flew in from Japan for week-long program that facilitates cross-international communication between the youth of Japan and Brooklyn, bridging the two cultures, particularly their shared experiences of surviving and persevering through natural disasters, as well as their shared love of baseball. The documentary features subtitled images and video from the two disasters, program organizers including Japanese and New York government officials, and the Brooklyn and Japanese kids coming together to play their healing game.