Simi Esan

October 23, 2015

We Are Who We Remember.

During the summer I worked with a non-profit advocacy organization called the National Parks Conservation Association on a revitalization strategy for the Women's Rights National Historical Park. This strategy provided an opportunity to help shape and direct patterns of growth and development within the park’s boundaries. One of the main issues the park is facing is how to make this park more inclusive for all women and a failsafe way to do this is to include contemporary female stories. Most of the exhibits and the ranger spiels have not been updated since the 80s when the park was opened. There is a dearth of diversity among the few people who visit the park. Many feel like this tells an inaccessible story of rich, white, educated women and thus, leaves no room for them in the discourse on women’s rights in America. This park revitalization planning process helped addressed renewal initiatives that will bring forth a new vision in a once proud national park.