Salary Administration Program

The Salary Administration Program has been designed to determine base wages and pay policies at Mount Holyoke College. This Program pertains to continuing employees who are neither faculty nor under a collective bargaining agreement. If you have any questions regarding this Program, please discuss them with your supervisor or contact the Human Resources Department.

Staff Compensation Philosophy

Mount Holyoke College employees, at all institutional levels, must be skilled and experienced performers if the College is to realize high performance goals in support of its mission of educating women for the leadership roles of tomorrow. In order to attract and retain a diverse, talented and effective staff, the compensation philosophy is to pay competitively with the external labor market, considering both wages and fringe benefits in order to determine "total compensation." The external labor market surveyed to determine competitive compensation levels varies according to where, and with whom, we compete for qualified employees for particular jobs. In some cases, the local labor market is considered and, for other positions, regional or even national markets are used.

An internal evaluative process is used in conjunction with the compensation information derived from external sources. This ensures job content accuracy when we compare our positions with those at other institutions and organizations, as well as providing an internally equitable structure. It also allows a method to evaluate positions that are unique to our institution or not commonly found in market survey studies.

Salary levels are set using many different factors including the applicant or employee's years of experience, unique skills and abilities, performance, economic conditions, and College budgetary considerations.