Zarina Dyussenbekova

October 23, 2015

Haiti through My Eyes

As an International Relations major, I had a dream of visiting a developing country and obtaining a first - hand cultural experience through human interactions. This past summer, I interned as a Human Rights Project Coordinator at the Medic Haiti Clinic in Léogâne, Haiti. As a non - profit organization, Medic Haiti Clinic helps to raise funds in order to assist people who were most affected by the 2010 Earthquake. I worked with children in underprivileged communities and collected data about their living conditions, nutrition, access to education and health care. I communicated with school and orphanage administration, staff, and parents in order to collect data and create reports. I also visited more than 300 households in a village and interviewed families living in poverty - stricken conditions. In my reports to Medic Haiti Clinic, I analyzed the data that I collected and outlined urgent problems that the communities face every day. My presentation will help to explain significant impact of the non - profit organizations like Medic Haiti Clinic in developing countries, and unexpected challenges that their staff face.