Lee Lowman

October 23, 2015

Changing Your Mind: What to Do When Reality Doesn't Align with Expectations

This past summer I interned in a London suburb at a membership-driven non-profit organization which seeks to raise awareness of a genetic disorder, Ehlers Danlos syndrome, and provides support for those affected by this disorder.

Before I began the internship, I was certain I wanted to work in public health as a career and had done plenty of research beforehand, including shadowing and interviewing people who work in the public health field. However, by the end of my internship it became clear that although I like the theory of working in public health, I really want to work with and help people face-to-face, rather than from mostly behind a desk in a static office environment.

In my presentation, I will discuss my overall experience with the internship and will highlight the importance of completing internships in one’s chosen career path.