
Report2Web has been transitioned to Workday. The last published Report2Web reports will be for March 2024 (Period 9). Starting later in April, Workday reports can be used to find the applicable information. For FY2024, you may need to use both Report2Web and Workday to research information. How long Report2Web will be available hasn't been determined yet.

Report2Web is Redwood Software’s web-based document management and report software.  It’s used on campus to distribute financial reports (e.g., expense, grant-related, purchasing card, salary) electronically via a secure web browser. You’ll only see those reports in which you’ve been given authority to view.

Be mindful that some reports may contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII).  (See the College’s policy on this topic) especially the "Working with Confidential Information for Employees, including Student Employees" document.

Refer to the Contacts page if you have questions regarding reports within Report2Web.

Updated:  6/13/11