People learn by confronting intriguing, beautiful, or important problems, authentic tasks that will challenge them to grapple with ideas, rethink their assumptions, and examine their mental models of reality. These are challenging yet supportive conditions in which learners feel a sense of control over their education; work collaboratively with others; believe that their work will be considered fairly and honestly; and try, fail, and receive feedback from expert learners in advance of and separate from any summative judgment of their effort. — Ken Bain, What the Best College Teachers Do
Syllabus Design
An excellent syllabus is a map or user-guide for students to engage more fully with their own learning in your course. Learn more.
Learning Centered Teaching
Putting the focus of higher education classrooms on learning, rather than teaching. Placing the emphasis on the student using content.
Active Learning
Help students better engage by adding a few activity learning techniques to lectures.
Team Based Learning
Offering students the opportunity to learn in cooperative learning groups is more important than ever.
Teaching Writing
Videos and other resources to assist in planning writing assignments that help students develop the ability to write confidently and effectively.
Teach with the Museum
The Mount Holyoke College Art Museum offers extraordinary resources for enhancing courses from virtually any program of study.
Teaching a First-Year Seminar
The FYS Program welcomes students to Mount Holyoke, inviting them to join in the pleasure of an intellectually adventurous education in the liberal arts.
Teaching with Technology
Strategies for blended learning, using clickers, video conferencing and more.
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