Attending Classes at MHC

*View more Tuition Benefits

Mount Holyoke College employees may enroll in up to one course per semester at the College without tuition charge on a space-available basis. Other course fees (i.e. laboratory, etc.) are paid by the employee.

Tuition waivers are not available for courses offered by the Mount Holyoke Professional and Graduate Education (PAGE) program. Credit bearing PAGE courses are eligible for tuition reimbursement.

If the class occurs during an employee's normal work day, the employee and his/her department head must come to an agreement regarding making up lost work time and insuring that assigned tasks are completed, even if work schedules must be adjusted. Employees should not assume that a course may be taken every semester. Employees who have been in their current positions less than one year should not normally expect to take courses. Supervisors and interested employees are encouraged to try to arrange work schedules so employees may take advantage of this benefit.

To enroll for a class, either for credit or as an audit, complete an employee course registration form, available from the Human Resources Department. You must consult with and obtain the permission of the instructor prior to enrollment to ensure that you meet any course eligibility requirements, such as prerequisite courses. Enrollment is dependent on the availability of space in the course.

Employees who may be interested in applying for admission to Mount Holyoke College through the Frances Perkins Program at some point should consult early with the Frances Perkins Office. No more than 24 Mount Holyoke College credits earned prior to matriculation will be later applied to a degree.

Revised 4/8/2014

The waiting period for a benefits-eligible employee to take a class at the college is one year after hire date. To take a class, complete the "Employee Enrollment Form".

  • Obtain authorization from class instructor (signature or email)
  • Obtain authorization from Head of Department
  • Submit form to a Benefits Specialist in the Human Resources Department.