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In case of need, requests for additional leave without pay will be considered by your department head on the merits of each case.
If, while you are on vacation, a death should occur in your family, you will be granted bereavement leave and may arrange, with the approval of your department head, to take an additional day of vacation for each day of bereavement leave granted.
If, while you are on sick leave, a death occurs in your family you will be granted bereavement leave, and these days of bereavement leave will not be charged to sick leave.
If an official College holiday, to which you are entitled, falls on a day for which you have been granted bereavement leave, that day will be charged to bereavement leave, and you may arrange with your department head to take another day off with pay in lieu of the holiday on a date acceptable to your department head.
If you are on leave of absence without pay, you are not entitled to bereavement leave pay.
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