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Communicable Diseases Management

Measles: National Outbreak

The US is currently experiencing the largest outbreak of measles seen within several decades.

Cases have been diagnosed within Massachusetts, many other states in the US and throughout much of the world. Measles is a highly contagious disease spread by air borne droplets. We encourage all members of the MHC community to know their immunity status.

Documentation of two doses of MMR vaccine
Documentation of disease
Documentation of titers indicating immunity
Person born prior to 1957 as presumed to have immunity

Based on the frequent movement within the Five Colleges, confirmation of one to two cases within any of the five campuses would be classified as a community outbreak. MHC would follow the guidance of Centers for Disease Control and Massachusetts Department of Public Health regarding isolation and restriction of access to campus of individuals without documentation of immunity or vaccines.

Meningitis B

During 2017-2018 the Five College Community was placed in an "outbreak" status following three confirmed cases of meningococcal serotype B. There have been no reported cases in any of the five college campuses since February of 2018.

Meningitis vaccine for serotype B is strongly recommended for 10-25 years of age for students who are at high risk. This vaccine is not required by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. There are two vaccines available, Trumenba three dose series and Bexsero a two dose series. Students should discuss their specific risks and benefits with their health care providers and check with their insurance plan to determine if the cost of this vaccine is covered.

If you have more questions about this vaccine, cost or coverage by insurance, email

See the Massachusetts Public Health Fact Sheet for more information on Meningitis B.