2020 Report on Philanthropy
With much gratitude to our donors: We celebrate you. Your gifts help Mount Holyoke carry the time. Your contributions mean we can continue the work of educating future leaders. You are always ready to step up and step in.
Your commitment plays a critical role in advancing the mission of the College. Mount Holyoke is a top liberal arts college — this year our faculty were ranked No. 1 by Princeton Review — in part because of your extraordinary generosity.
Thank you.
Click on the Carrying the Time image to access the digital report, which will open in a new window.
A message from President Stephens
Paige Osborne ’23
Darby Dyar, Astronomy
Allie Brown ’22
Dorothy E. Mosby, Interim Dean of Faculty
David Hernández, Latina/o Studies
Kesshni Bhasiin '22
Valerie Barr ’77, Computer Science
Amy Shiying Wang ’22
Samuel Ace, English
Emily Carle ’21
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the lists in this publication, we welcome feedback and questions. Please contact us at donorrelations@mtholyoke.edu or 413-538-2060.
Stewardship and Donor Relations
Office of Advancement
50 College Street
South Hadley, MA 01075
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