Mount Holyoke College 2021 Report on Philanthropy

You met the moment.
As the world and nearly every local community bore solemn witness to the dangers of delay, inaction, isolation and even complacency in the past 18 months, others rose to the occasion. To the moment. And defined that moment with urgency, clarity, empathy and leadership.
You did just that. In supporting Mount Holyoke College and its students in the past year, despite all of the personal, community, social and even health challenges confronting you, you made a radical commitment to Mount Holyoke’s students, faculty, research and global community.
Both on campus and in the far-flung makeshift offices and study carrels of faculty, staff, and students, your support was met with resilience and discipline.
We recognize and applaud your action, courage and devotion. Thank you.
"If ever a moment needed curiosity it is this one. This moment in time, this moment in human history, is one that is anything but clear or certain, embrace the unfamiliar [and] be courageous in your learning and empowered in your pursuit of what is interesting, what is good, what is right, and what is just."
— Sonya Stephens, Commencement Address, May 23, 2021
Dear Friends,
The 2020-2021 academic year required great sacrifice and great generosity from all members of the Mount Holyoke community. It gives me great joy to thank you, our loyal supporters, for helping to meet this unique moment with enduring gifts of spirit, of time and of resources.
Our students, faculty and staff, tested in the crucible of a global pandemic, social unrest and dispersion from one another, found in your support and continued benevolence the courage and character to tackle their own and the world’s problems in this pivotal year.
With $57.8 million from 9,746 alums, friends, faculty, staff and current students, your philanthropic action broke records. As a result, our enrollment remains strong, our faculty are well-supported, and more than 70% of our students continue to receive financial aid.
I am deeply grateful to all who participated in the Meet the Moment Scholarship Challenge and the Mount Holyoke Fund Scholars Match, with special thanks to our lead donors Liz Cochary Gross ’79 and Phill Gross, Nancy Nordhoff ’54, Bess Weatherman ’82 and Monica Landry ’90. Together these initiatives inspired more than 150 of you to give, totaling more than $23 million to support financial aid.
At the College’s 183rd Convocation ceremony in September 2020, Student Government Association president Maya Sopory ’22 delivered a prescient message to the student body:
“I firmly believe that Mount Holyoke is not just a physical place. It is the friends, staff and faculty that make it what it is. While we may not all be in the same place this semester, the Mount Holyoke community continues on through the connections that you have made and have yet to make.”
Sopory’s words ring ever truer each day. Every one of us can attest to the connectedness we have felt to one another across the vast expanse of ceremonies, classes and meetings convened in spaces far beyond South Hadley. True to our mission, this connectedness continued to strengthen Mount Holyoke College’s “thoughtful, effective, and purposeful engagement in the world.”
Your decision to support the College in this mission this year ensures that “Mount Holyoke forever shall be.”
Kassandra Jolley
Vice President for College Relations
Your gifts inspire us!
We are pleased to recognize the generous support of graduates, families and friends during the fiscal year (July 1, 2020–June 30, 2021).
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the lists in this publication, we welcome feedback and questions. Please contact us at or 413-538-2060.
Stewardship and Donor Relations
Office of Development
50 College Street
South Hadley, MA 01075