How to Apply for an External Grant

The Sponsored Research Office is here to help faculty apply for external grants from both government agencies and private funders, and as both prime awardees and subawardees.

Allow at least 10 days for all internal approvals – more is better!

  1. Forward solicitation link/deadline information to the Sponsored Research Officer, Michelle St. James, as soon as identified.
  2. Construct a budget for approval using the Financial Services Budget Template and post to Google Drive. See Grant Budget Information & Rates and Other Resources for information. Your budget will be approved by the Sponsored Research Officer, Michelle St. James as soon as identified. and by Liz Antonellis,  Grant Accounting, to ensure compliance with both Agency and Mount Holyoke guidelines.
  3. Download and fill out the following forms: Grant Routing Sheet and Financial Disclosure Form (required for NSF or NIH proposals).
  4. Write a proposal according to the guidelines. We can assist with institutional data or boilerplate (see Rates and Other Resources page), and are happy to review drafts at any stage. If you would like to read successful proposals, let us know and we can help facilitate getting those for you. 
  5. Post the grant routing sheet, draft proposal, required forms and budget to the Google Drive SRO-(your name) folder located on your Google Drive under "Shared with Me". If you have never used Google Drive to submit your proposal materials, Michelle will need to set this up for you. Please leave all documents in original software format: Word, Excel, PDF etc - do not change them to Google Docs
  6. After posting your materials please send Michelle an email letting her know they are ready for review. She will shepherd them through to the rest of the approvers.
  7. If using fastlane or another government portal, please permit SRO access so we may review on line.

Good luck!