Who do I call for general information about forming or managing a contract?
Risk Management, for template forms, contract structure, risk issues, insurance and indemnity agreements, professional services, contract management, getting and giving certificates of insurance.
The Dean or Director of the Department initiating the agreement to understand or clarify what the subject of the contract is, what points may be negotiable, cost limitations.
For Contracts regarding the purchase of goods and services call:
MHEC: Stacey Wikar, 413-538-2041
LITS: Peg Stevens, 413-538-2796
Art Museum: Deb Davis, 413-538-2096
Who can help with contracts for entertainment?
Contact the Director of Student Involvement, (Blanchard 327), 413-538-2478 to get help with entertainment agreements. All student-hired events or entertainment must go through Student Involvement.
Who should I call for use of College facilities or special events?
For all events that involve the use of facilities and related college resources, call: Conference and Event Services, 413-538-2333.
How do the accounting issues get sorted out?
Call: Comptroller, Ellen Rutan, 413-538-2713
What about Construction (including maintenance or repairs) contracts?
Construction agreements or agreements for facilities maintenance and repairs must all be entered into and managed by Facilities Management. If you have a project that you are thinking of calling a contractor for, call Facilities Management FIRST!
Director of Facilities Management and Planning, Paul Breen, 413-538-2418
Associate Director and Chief Engineer, Rick Bigelow, 413-538-2369
Assistant Director, Construction Management, Mike Donais, 413-538-3195
How do I know if I should hire an independent contractor or casual employee?
See Employee or Independent Contractor for more information or call:
Human Resources, 413-538-2503
Questions about LITS agreements (Computing, wireless infrastructure, networking services) should be directed to:
Associate Director for Budget, Procurement & Planning, Peg Stevens, 413-538-2796
Questions about Guest Lecturers & Speakers cannot be answered by one person:
- Call your department chair or head for funding / approval
- Call Conference and Event Services if you need to reserve space for the event
- Call Dining Services if you need to reserve a dining room for a department event connected with the speaker 413-538-2100
- See Templates: Guest Lectures & Speaker for letter forms.
- For International Speakers: call 413-538-2354 or see Guidelines for Payments to Nonimmigrant Short-term Visitors
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