College Safety

The College is committed to the safety and well-being of the entire College community, including students, staff, faculty and guests. Safety is an integral part of the way we work, learn and live. Workplace safety is a shared responsibility. The college established safety policies and procedures to protect workers and comply with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and maintains its physical facilities in a safe condition. Supervisors ensure that safety policies and procedures and safe work practices are followed in the workplace. Employees follow safety policies and procedures and safe practices and take responsibility for their own safety. The safety program is coordinated by the Director of Environmental Health and Safety, Environmental Health and Safety Office, x2529.


An important part of the safety program is the reporting of all accidents and unsafe conditions. All accidents, however minor, must be reported. Employee and student employee accidents are reported to Human Resources as described in Workers' Compensation Insurance and Benefits. All other, non-work related accidents which occur on campus are reported to the Environmental Health and Safety Office. Unsafe conditions should be reported to your supervisor, to Facilities Management, or to the Environmental Health and Safety Office.