To request to hold your event or conference at Mount Holyoke, please submit an inquiry via our form.
- general information regarding the nature of your organization including contact and billing information
- the purpose of your conference or event
- program dates
- estimated attendance (number of participants, staff, etc.)
- a detailed list of facility needs (number of classrooms, auditoriums etc.)
- a complete list of housing need (number of singles, doubles, both)
- Media Needs
- daily food service needs (including first meal and last meal)
- any printed material with respect to your previous event or conference
Facilities and Services Agreement
Once a definite decision has been made to hold the program at Mount Holyoke College, Conference Services will provide a Facilities and Services Agreement that will include more extensive information regarding campus policies, rules and regulations, insurance requirements, parking, rates, meal plans, housing, and other services available.

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