
An infographic of the network of resources available to students.

Pathways is an integrated advising system. That means that faculty and staff who are part of a student’s academic and campus network can share information that is vital to the student’s success, such as details about the student’s immediate and long-term plans, progress and well-being.

When students arrive at Mount Holyoke, they are given a Pathways account that will include an initial group of advisors, including their faculty advisor, class dean and staff from Residence Life. As their academic careers develop, students’ advising network will change and grow to include new connections to faculty and staff across campus: departments and programs, academic centers, student life, religious life, the CDC — and more.

Through Pathways, students can engage with their advising network and critical campus resources - to ask questions, seek advice, or request in-person meetings.

This system makes communication more efficient and secure than group emails and phone calls, and it helps the network members keep the student’s goals in mind every step of the way.