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Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the answers to some common questions about the policy as it relates to Recognized Student Groups at Mount Holyoke College.
Student groups should email with any further questions.
Who is considered a minor under this policy?
A minor is a person under 18 years of age, who is not an enrolled Mount Holyoke student. Currently enrolled Mount Holyoke students do not activate the policy.
Does this policy apply to student group events?
This Policy applies to:
- any Program, activity or service involving Minors that occurs on College property,
- at off campus Mount Holyoke events and activities,
and at any Mount Holyoke College-sponsored Program, activity, or service involving Minors, wherever it occurs.
What if there are parents supervising?
My student group is hosting an activity where minors will be present and It is expected that parents will be supervising their children at all times during the program, do we still have to comply with the policy?
Yes. If minors are present — even if there is parental supervision — Mount Holyoke (and student groups) are still responsible for creating a community that protects the children participating in our programs. Your student group should make sure to review the policy, including prohibited conduct, with all event planners and event staff.
What if minors exhibit or perform at an event?
Our student group is inviting minors on campus to exhibit or perform at an event designed for adults (not designed for children). They will be chaperoned. Do we have to be compliant with the policy?
Because the function of the program is not designed for minors, you do not have to register the program and ensure all adults are certified. However, you are required to comply with the prohibited interactions and reporting.
How can we plan an event that includes minors?
My student group is planning a program, activity, or event whose intended purpose is organized around interacting with minors. What does my group need to do?
Prior to the occurrence of any College (student group) Sponsored Program, the Program Manager or the Program Manager’s designee (student group event lead/planner or their designee) must:
- Register the Program through the Five College Portal by completing a registration form at least 21 calendar days prior to the start of the Program.
- Screen and select Authorized Adults who will participate in the Program; and
- All screening will be coordinated by the College in collaboration with your student group. For more information see the full policy.
- Verify that all Authorized Adults who will participate in the Program have completed the required training.
- All training will be coordinated by the College in collaboration with your student group. For more information see the full policy.
Examples of types of programs (this is not an exhaustive list) include collaborations with local Girl Scout troops, hiking trips, mentorship programs, tutoring programs, one-off training campus, etc.
What if we are not the primary sponsors?
Our student group is planning a program, activity, or event whose intended purpose is organized around interacting with minors but we are not the primary sponsors and or the ones paying for the program. Does the policy still apply?
Yes. Any activity, event, recital, lesson, class, camp, or other interaction intended for Minors, including, but not limited to Programs paid for, organized by, or operated in whole or in part by the College, on or off campus are covered by the policy. Your student group should follow all of the steps outlined under “How can we plan an event that includes minors?”
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