PI Training Requirements

All researchers covered by this policy whose research is funded by federal grants must complete training in human subjects protection prior to submission of a proposal to the Board. (Researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health should consult the Board Chair for specific requirements.) In addition, the Board may require such training of other researchers whose coursework, background and experience, based on information submitted with a proposal, seems inadequate. Those researchers will be notified by the Chair when training is required. Online training options are the following:

  • Option ACITI Training: Select the Human Subjects Research module (not the Responsible Conduct of Research module), and identify the appropriate learner group that pertains to you (faculty, staff or student). If you are doing ethnographic research, or if your research deals with underserved or underrepresented populations, you should complete the Cultural Competence in Research module as well. 
  • Option B: The National Institutes of Health : NIH grant recipients and research teams should complete the training module on Human Participant Protections.  

For each option, investigators register online, complete the module, and then print out a certification of completion. Submit the certification via the Mentor IRB system. The training is free of charge when only the certificate of completion is requested.