Learning about Pediatric TB: Exploring Health System Deficiencies in Diagnosing and Treating Children in Peru
Although people under the age of 13 are the most impressionable and vulnerable, the focus of many health issues tends to veer away from them. With “Socios en Salud Sucursal Peru” this summer, I witnessed the effect of a faulty public health system on low socioeconomic communities. TB is estimated to affect more than 130 of every 100,000 persons in Lima, Peru alone. While abroad, I learned about the lack of standards in both diagnosing and treating children with TB. Understandings of this issue varied widely in the community, and a lack of cohesion from doctor to nurse to parent was outlined. My experience was further broadened when I led a science workshop for children in a marginalized community of the city. This internship opportunity allowed me to compare the meanings of an impoverished upbringing in Peru versus the United States, and the public health implications within this status. I am looking forward to working with children from underserved populations in my future career.
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