People, Place, Programming — and Coffee
The Community Center at Mount Holyoke College serves as the anchor to the College community. The complex combines new and old construction to offer a 21st-century design that incorporates the history of the College. The new Dining Commons, which is open to the College community from early morning to late in the evening, extends beyond Blanchard Hall and the Great Room, both of which have been renovated.
Blanchard now houses the Division of Student Life, along with several gathering places of various sizes, including the new Cochary Pub & Kitchen, Unity Space and Grab n’ Go. New theatrical lighting enhances the Great Room as a performance space.
Completing the Community Center with dining is the cornerstone goal of Mount Holyoke’s 2014 Facilities Master Plan Study. Designed by the renowned Bergmeyer Associates, Inc., with input and feedback from countless members of the Mount Holyoke community, the project was created in the context of Mount Holyoke’s institutional strategic plan, time-honored traditions and history, and the commitment to address the needs of today’s students.
Becoming a part of the Mount Holyoke community, whether taking classes or teaching them, working as a staff member or visiting as an alum, means participating in a vibrant community. The Community Center’s many access points and spaces exemplifies the community in all its broad diversity.
Construction Video
Watch a time-lapse video of the construction, rising from the ground, beam by steel beam.
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