Handling unwanted interest from social media and press

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Dear members of the Mount Holyoke community, 

Out of care and concern for the community, I am pleased to share reminders regarding media access and suggestions for managing unwanted interest and attention on social media. 

First, media inquiries are generally forwarded immediately and directly to myself or my colleague, Keely Savoie Sexton. Please also review the College’s media access policy on our website and note that the media must have permission from the Communications office to access campus. When you are off campus and the media approaches you or asks for a statement, please remember you do not have an obligation to respond. If you encounter anything in media coverage about the College or community members that concerns you, please reach out to me. There may be actions we can take immediately, depending on the specific situation. 

The Communications team can also offer support regarding social media. We can support individuals to evaluate your social media privacy settings; how to place your social media accounts on lockdown, if need be; the best methods for dealing with unwanted social media attention; and more. 

If you receive unwelcome emails from external constituents, Communications and Marketing can work with you and LITS to find an appropriate technical solution, depending on the circumstances of the case. 

When your personal information (such as personal phone numbers and home address) is distributed online without your permission, this is known as “doxxing.” If your personal information has been published online, take screenshots or snap a picture with your smartphone and report it to Public Safety and Service immediately; they will keep Communications and Marketing in the loop. If we see it before you do, we will notify the community member and Public Safety and Service simultaneously. 

All of us in Communications and Marketing are here as resources for the entire campus, and we can help you navigate these fraught issues. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any reason. 



Christian Feuerstein
Director of News and Media Relations